The 18 Penny Goose

The 18 Penny Goose

About the Book

The British are com­ing! The Amer­i­can Rev­o­lu­tion is being fought in the hills around Let­ty Wright’s family’s farm, and the Wrights must flee to safe­ty. There is no time for Let­ty to bring Solomon the gan­der. Let­ty hopes the British don’t hurt Solomon, but hun­gry sol­diers aren’t known for their kind­ness. Eight-year-old Let­ty tries the only thing she can think of to save him—and is as sur­prised as the oth­er colonists when it works. Based on a remark­able, true sto­ry, this unusu­al tale will linger in the minds of all who read it.

Ideas come from many dif­fer­ent places. The first hint of the sto­ry that became The 18 Pen­ny Goose began when I dis­cov­ered this gravestone.
The 18 Penny Goose

writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
illus­trat­ed by Ellen Beier
Harper­Collins, Feb 1999
hard­cov­er: 978–0064442503
64 pages, ages 4 and up

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