Bessie Coleman

Bessie Coleman: Daring to Fly

About the Book

High in the sky, Bessie Cole­man could soar like a bird. She was free―at least until she land­ed. As a black woman in the 1920s, she was­n’t allowed to learn how to fly. Forced to trav­el to France to learn, she became the first African Amer­i­can woman to earn her pilot’s license. Whether she was wing-walk­ing, giv­ing a speech, para­chut­ing, or fly­ing, Cole­man inspired peo­ple with her brav­ery and resolve.

Bessie Coleman
illus­tra­tion from Bessie Cole­man: Dar­ing to Fly, copy­right Jan­ice Lee Porter, 1st Avenue Editions


“New­ly inde­pen­dent read­ers will be inspired by Bessie Cole­man’s deter­mi­na­tion to learn to fly at a time when nei­ther women nor peo­ple of col­or were allowed to do so in the Unit­ed States.” (The Horn Book Guide)

Bessie Coleman

writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
illus­trat­ed by Jan­ice Lee Porter
1st Avenue Edi­tions, Jan 2003
paper­back: 978–0876141038
48 pages, ages 5 and up

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