Frozen Secrets

Frozen Secrets: Antarctica Revealed

About the Book

Mys­te­ri­ous may be the word that best describes Antarc­ti­ca. The con­ti­nent abounds with secrets that it chal­lenges us to reveal. Frozen Secrets is the tale of a con­ti­nent and the earth sci­en­tists who dare to accept that chal­lenge. If you are bold and your spir­it loves adven­ture, join them as they unrav­el Antarctica’s icy cloak.

Awards and Recognition

  • Chica­go Pub­lic Library Best of the Best List 2011
  • Fore­Word Book of the Year Bronze medal 2011
  • Moon­beam Award bronze medal 2010
  • Sci­ence Books & Films 2011 Sum­mer Read­ing Guide 2011
  • VOYA Non­fic­tion Hon­or List 2010
  • YALSA Excel­lence in Non­fic­tion for Young Adults Award nom­i­nee 2011


 “All of Walker’s impres­sive writ­ing tal­ents are on dis­play in this book on the frozen con­ti­nent. The author’s clear and live­ly nar­ra­tive… describes in detail the work of cur­rent researchers… the author does a great job of explain­ing some real­ly com­plex sci­en­tif­ic activ­i­ties, such as map­ping the ground using ice-pen­e­trat­ing radar, so that read­ers with­out great knowl­edge of advanced sci­ence can grasp how this work is done…Nearly every page has sharp col­or pho­tos of the con­ti­nent and researchers in action or explana­to­ry dia­grams. With its superb design and Walker’s grip­ping prose, this book will draw read­ers in and keep them involved.” (School Library Jour­nal, starred review)

“… Sal­ly Walker’s Frozen Secrets: Antarc­ti­ca Revealed is an excel­lent and beau­ti­ful­ly writ­ten love sto­ry about the great south­ern con­ti­nent. Antarc­ti­ca has cap­tured the imag­i­na­tions of explor­ers and writ­ers for cen­turies, and there is no short­age of books about the region. This book, how­ev­er, is one of the best. In it, the author cov­ers the his­to­ry of Antarc­tic explo­ration, geog­ra­phy, geol­o­gy, fos­sils, nat­ur­al his­to­ry, and sci­en­tif­ic inves­ti­ga­tion in a very inter­est­ing way, and the text is enhanced by numer­ous col­or images of high qual­i­ty. We are tak­en to the South Pole, we learn about the cre­ation and move­ment of ice, and we enjoy—from a com­fort­able distance—a scu­ba dive under the ice …” (Sci­ence Books & Films)

“… Walk­er’s atten­tion to detail can give stu­dents a mod­el for schol­ar­ly writ­ing (and the need for clar­i­ty) when they are asked to write in a sci­ence dis­ci­pline … This is a well-writ­ten book on many lev­els; it can sup­port con­tent, sci­en­tif­ic method, and career explo­ration in the mid­dle and sec­ondary class­room.” (NSTA rec­om­mend­ed title)

Frozen Secrets

writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Car­ol­rho­da Books, Aug 2010
hard­cov­er: 978–1580136075
104 pages, ages 9 and up

Buy the Book