Figuring Out Fossils

Figuring Out Fossils

About the Book

Fos­sils give us a win­dow to the past. Water, sed­i­ments, and pres­sure work togeth­er over time to pre­serve the shape of things that lived long ago. Study­ing these ancient plants and ani­mals tells us more about our own exis­tence. Have you ever searched for fos­sils? Unearth some in this book.


“Award-win­ning author Sal­ly M. Walk­er has writ­ten a beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed earth sci­ence series for young read­ers. Orga­nized by answer­ing a series of ques­tions, each book has sug­ges­tions for fur­ther learn­ing if you ‘dig’ earth sci­ence. The graph­ics are visu­al­ly help­ful to dis­cern top­ics, cap­tions, and impor­tant points in a read­able font. Com­posed in a clear, pro­gres­sive­ly build­ing log­ic, every sci­ence word is sim­ply defined. Pic­tures, charts, and dia­grams rein­force learn­ing and sug­gest stu­dent exper­i­ments. Infor­ma­tion­al text that is wide­ly acces­si­ble to chil­dren is a must in every library, and this series fits the bill.” (Library Media Con­nec­tion, starred review)

Figuring Out Fossils

Search­light: Do You Dig Earth Sci­ence
writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Lern­er Class­room, Jan 2013
paper­back: 978–1467707916
40 pages, ages 8 to 11

Buy the Book 

Marveling at Minerals

Marveling at Minerals

About the Book

Min­er­als are fas­ci­nat­ing resources that have a vari­ety of uses. A dia­mond is a min­er­al that is sought after for its beau­ty. Salt is a use­ful min­er­al that adds fla­vor. But do you know what min­er­als are made of? Or how to iden­ti­fy a min­er­al? Explore the amaz­ing world of min­er­als in this book.


“… The key ideas of min­er­al iden­ti­fi­ca­tion are explained with age appro­pri­ate lan­guage and well–selected pho­tos. Col­or, streak, hard­ness, and gloss are all cov­ered as part of how to iden­ti­fy min­er­als. From there the authors address how min­er­als become rocks. This is where most books for this group become too tech­ni­cal or too light. The authors struck a mid­dle path here and it works well for the learn­ers.” (NSTA Recommends)

Marveling at Minerals

Search­light: Do You Dig Earth Sci­ence
writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Lern­er Class­room, Jan 2013
paper­back: 978–1467707923
40 pages, ages 8 to 11

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Researching Rocks

Researching Rocks

About the Book

Rocks can be made of many dif­fer­ent min­er­als. By look­ing at rocks close­ly, we can tell where they were formed and what con­di­tions they were cre­at­ed in. How do we know these things? And how do we tell dif­fer­ent types of rocks apart? Learn about ways to research rocks and what they can teach us about our world.

Researching Rocks

Search­light: Do You Dig Earth Sci­ence
writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Lern­er Class­room, Jan 2013
paper­back: 978–1467707930
40 pages, ages 8 to 11

Buy the Book 

Studying Soil

Studying Soil

About the Book

Soil can be found almost every­where on Earth. Sand is a soft soil that is found in deserts. Loam is soil that is great for grow­ing plants. But how are these types of soils dif­fer­ent? And how are they made? Explore the amaz­ing world of soil in this book.


“… The top­ic of soil is cov­ered with some depth, and this book would also be good sup­port for a unit on plants or gar­den­ing. The authors begin with an expla­na­tion and illus­tra­tion of the ques­tion “What is soil?” From there they address for­ma­tion, com­po­si­tion, lay­ers (hori­zons), appear­ance, and a clos­ing chap­ter on soil con­ser­va­tion. … The con­cepts are pre­sent­ed with clear, acces­si­ble lan­guage, col­or pho­tographs and a clear flow among the con­nec­tions between each chap­ter. … The pho­tos are well–captioned and clear­ly sup­port the text mate­r­i­al. For the class that is begin­ning a study that involves plants or soil, this book would be an excel­lent, non­fic­tion addi­tion to the unit mate­r­i­al or for the non­fic­tion library. This book is an excel­lent addi­tion for 3rd through 5th grade stu­dents. (NSTA Recommends)

Studying Soil

Search­light: Do You Dig Earth Sci­ence
writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Lern­er Class­room, Jan 2013
paper­back: 978–1467707947
40 pages, ages 8 to 11

Buy the Book