Investigating Electricity
About the Book
Electricity powers lights, computers, and television sets. But have you seen how electricity can make objects stick together? Or make other objects pull apart? Now you can! Explore electricity with the fun experiments you’ll find in this book. This series sheds light on a key science question: how does energy work? Hands-on experiments, interesting photos, and useful diagrams will help you find the answer!

Searchlight: Physics
written by Sally M. Walker
Lerner Classroom, Aug 2011
paperback: 978–0761378716
40 pages, ages 8 and up
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Investigating Heat
About the Book
The sun, furnaces, and ovens all make heat. But have you ever watched matter expand when it is heated? Or seen how different kinds of matter conduct heat? Now you can! Explore heat with the fun experiments you’ll find in this book.

Searchlight: Physics
written by Sally M. Walker
Lerner Classroom, Jan 2013
paperback: 978–1467707923
40 pages, ages 8 and up
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Investigating Light
About the Book
The sun, lightbulbs, and flickering fires all bring light to our world. But have you ever watched light rays moving? Or seen how light rays reflect off objects? Now you can! Explore light with the fun experiments you’ll find in this book.

Searchlight: Physics
written by Sally M. Walker
Lerner Classroom, Jan 2013
paperback: 978–0761378730
40 pages, ages 8 and up
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Investigating Magnetism
About the Book
Do you know that magnets hold pictures on a refrigerator. But have you ever found a magnet’s north pole? Or turned an ordinary paper clip into a magnet? Now you can! Explore magnetism with the fun experiments you’ll find in this book.

Searchlight: Physics
written by Sally M. Walker
Lerner Classroom, Jan 2013
paperback: 978–0761378747
40 pages, ages 8 and up
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Investigating Matter
About the Book
Solids, liquids, and gases are the three states of matter. But have you ever made matter change from one state to another? Or seen how even invisible matter takes up space? Now you can! Explore matter with the fun experiments you’ll find in this book.

Searchlight: Physics
written by Sally M. Walker
Lerner Classroom, Jan 2013
paperback: 978–0761378754
40 pages, ages 8 and up
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Investigating Sound
About the Book
People, animals, machines, and wind all make sounds. But have you ever seen how sound waves move? Or made a sound wave bounce? Now you can! Explore sound with the fun experiments you’ll find in this book.

Searchlight: Physics
written by Sally M. Walker
Lerner Classroom, Jan 2013
paperback: 978–0761378761
40 pages, ages 8 and up
Buy the Book
Reviews for the Series
“This series, written by well-known author Sally M. Walker, is most suitable for middle to late elementary grades. Each paragraph sums up an idea with a picture to reinforce it. The books also make use of interesting science experiences which will draw the attention of readers. The use of everyday examples makes these scientific facts more easily comprehended. There are also caption boxes that add a bit more information to each topic. The ‘Learn More About’ page in each book makes them more accessible to readers who may want to know more about a certain concept. The series is a great beginning science unit for middle aged learners.” (Library Media Connection)
“Interactivity is encouraged, as readers are directed to perform simple experiments along with children shown in accompanying pictures; the texts provide guidance on what to look for. Clear explanations, relatable examples, and effective visuals make these solid selections.” (The Horn Book Guide)
“This series is well organized and written in clear, concise language. The first chapter in each volume focuses on why a particular form of energy is important for people and/or the environment. Successive chapters discuss how that energy is generated and how it can (or cannot) be manipulated to people’s advantage. Simple experiments using everyday household objects with clear instructions are provided in almost every chapter, with appropriate notes when adult supervision is necessary. Crisp photographs and/or diagrams are presented on every page, as are side boxes that contain either additional information or ask questions that draw readers back into the main text.”
(School Library Journal)