Investigating Electricity

Investigating Electricity

About the Book

Elec­tric­i­ty pow­ers lights, com­put­ers, and tele­vi­sion sets. But have you seen how elec­tric­i­ty can make objects stick togeth­er? Or make oth­er objects pull apart? Now you can! Explore elec­tric­i­ty with the fun exper­i­ments you’ll find in this book. This series sheds light on a key sci­ence ques­tion: how does ener­gy work? Hands-on exper­i­ments, inter­est­ing pho­tos, and use­ful dia­grams will help you find the answer!

Investigating Electricity

Search­light: Physics
writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Lern­er Class­room, Aug 2011
paper­back: 978–0761378716
40 pages, ages 8 and up

Buy the Book 

Investigating Heat

Investigating Heat

About the Book

The sun, fur­naces, and ovens all make heat. But have you ever watched mat­ter expand when it is heat­ed? Or seen how dif­fer­ent kinds of mat­ter con­duct heat? Now you can! Explore heat with the fun exper­i­ments you’ll find in this book.

Investigating Heat

Search­light: Physics
writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Lern­er Class­room, Jan 2013
paper­back: 978–1467707923
40 pages, ages 8 and up

Buy the Book 

Investigating Light

Investigating Light

About the Book

The sun, light­bulbs, and flick­er­ing fires all bring light to our world. But have you ever watched light rays mov­ing? Or seen how light rays reflect off objects? Now you can! Explore light with the fun exper­i­ments you’ll find in this book. 

Investigating Light

Search­light: Physics
writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Lern­er Class­room, Jan 2013
paper­back: 978–0761378730
40 pages, ages 8 and up

Buy the Book 

Investing Magnetism

Investigating Magnetism

About the Book

Do you know that mag­nets hold pic­tures on a refrig­er­a­tor. But have you ever found a mag­net’s north pole? Or turned an ordi­nary paper clip into a mag­net? Now you can! Explore mag­net­ism with the fun exper­i­ments you’ll find in this book.

Investing Magnetism

Search­light: Physics
writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Lern­er Class­room, Jan 2013
paper­back: 978–0761378747
40 pages, ages 8 and up

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Investigating Matter

Investigating Matter

About the Book

Solids, liq­uids, and gas­es are the three states of mat­ter. But have you ever made mat­ter change from one state to anoth­er? Or seen how even invis­i­ble mat­ter takes up space? Now you can! Explore mat­ter with the fun exper­i­ments you’ll find in this book.

Investigating Matter

Search­light: Physics
writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Lern­er Class­room, Jan 2013
paper­back: 978–0761378754
40 pages, ages 8 and up

Buy the Book 

Investigating Sound

Investigating Sound

About the Book

Peo­ple, ani­mals, machines, and wind all make sounds. But have you ever seen how sound waves move? Or made a sound wave bounce? Now you can! Explore sound with the fun exper­i­ments you’ll find in this book.

Investigating Sound

Search­light: Physics
writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Lern­er Class­room, Jan 2013
paper­back: 978–0761378761
40 pages, ages 8 and up

Buy the Book 

Reviews for the Series

“This series, writ­ten by well-known author Sal­ly M. Walk­er, is most suit­able for mid­dle to late ele­men­tary grades. Each para­graph sums up an idea with a pic­ture to rein­force it. The books also make use of inter­est­ing sci­ence expe­ri­ences which will draw the atten­tion of read­ers. The use of every­day exam­ples makes these sci­en­tif­ic facts more eas­i­ly com­pre­hend­ed. There are also cap­tion box­es that add a bit more infor­ma­tion to each top­ic. The ‘Learn More About’ page in each book makes them more acces­si­ble to read­ers who may want to know more about a cer­tain con­cept. The series is a great begin­ning sci­ence unit for mid­dle aged learn­ers.” (Library Media Con­nec­tion)

“Inter­ac­tiv­i­ty is encour­aged, as read­ers are direct­ed to per­form sim­ple exper­i­ments along with chil­dren shown in accom­pa­ny­ing pic­tures; the texts pro­vide guid­ance on what to look for. Clear expla­na­tions, relat­able exam­ples, and effec­tive visu­als make these sol­id selec­tions.” (The Horn Book Guide)

“This series is well orga­nized and writ­ten in clear, con­cise lan­guage. The first chap­ter in each vol­ume focus­es on why a par­tic­u­lar form of ener­gy is impor­tant for peo­ple and/or the envi­ron­ment. Suc­ces­sive chap­ters dis­cuss how that ener­gy is gen­er­at­ed and how it can (or can­not) be manip­u­lat­ed to peo­ple’s advan­tage. Sim­ple exper­i­ments using every­day house­hold objects with clear instruc­tions are pro­vid­ed in almost every chap­ter, with appro­pri­ate notes when adult super­vi­sion is nec­es­sary. Crisp pho­tographs and/or dia­grams are pre­sent­ed on every page, as are side box­es that con­tain either addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion or ask ques­tions that draw read­ers back into the main text.”
(School Library Jour­nal)