The Vowel Family

The Vowel Family:
A Tale of Lost Letters

About the Book

Pm nd Sm’s vwl-lss lvs are enriched in a vow­el-hap­py way with the births of their five chil­dren: Alan, Ellen, Iris, Otto, and Ursu­la.  The chil­dren, their pets (long and short vow­el sounds) and Aunt Cyn­dy, who some­times joins their fun, like to play with words.  They know that WORD CHOICE is important!

Awards and Recognition

  • Book Links Last­ing Con­nec­tions of 2008


“Chil­dren are sure to enjoy the goofy sto­ry, which lends itself to group decod­ing as vow­els are grad­u­al­ly intro­duced. Luthardt’s bright illus­tra­tions, fea­tur­ing peo­ple with car­toon­ish bal­loon heads, ably echo the story’s silli­ness. This clever approach to learn­ing vow­els will prove far more fun than just the basic recita­tion that’s com­mon­ly taught Grades 1–3.” (Book­list)

The Vowel Family

writ­ten by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
illus­trat­ed by Kevin Luthardt
Car­ol­rho­da Books, Jan 2008
hard­cov­er: 978–0822579823
40 pages, ages 5 and up

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