We Are the Weather Makers

We Are the Weather Makers: The History of Climate Change

About the Book

for the gen­er­a­tion who will act on glob­al warming

First pub­lished for an adult read­er­ship, The Weath­er Mak­ers received crit­i­cal kudos for its sol­id sci­ence and pow­er­ful mes­sage. Now this acces­si­ble new edi­tion speaks direct­ly to young adults, offer­ing a clear look at the his­to­ry of cli­mate change, how it will unfold over the next cen­tu­ry, and what we can do to pre­vent a cat­a­clysmic future. Here is an imme­di­ate and hard-hit­ting look backward—and forward—in cli­mate his­to­ry, bol­stered by mod­els and pro­jec­tions of cur­rent data. It includes inter­views with peo­ple whose liveli­hoods have been direct­ly affect­ed by cli­mate change, as well as indi­vid­u­als who make new tech­nol­o­gy and renew­able resources a part of dai­ly life. New­ly fea­tured are twen­ty-five prac­ti­cal tips that give read­ers the tools for liv­ing a green­er lifestyle—at home, in school, in the com­mu­ni­ty, and ulti­mate­ly, on Earth.

Awards and Recognition

  • San­ta Mon­i­ca Pub­lic Library’s Green Prize for Sus­tain­able Lit­er­a­ture 2010


“Argu­ing that cli­mate change and glob­al warm­ing affect us all and that we can be part of the solu­tion, this com­pre­hen­sive look at the issue includes a clear expla­na­tion of the mech­a­nism of the car­bon cycle, the role of green­house gas­es on Earth, his­tor­i­cal instances of cli­mate change and their caus­es, descrip­tions of effects on a vari­ety of habi­tats, future sce­nar­ios and suggestions—both per­son­al and global—about what might be done. An adap­ta­tion for teen read­ers of Flannery’s high­ly regard­ed and influ­en­tial adult title (The Weath­er Mak­ers, 2006), Walker’s read­able and con­vinc­ing rewrite fol­lows the orig­i­nal orga­ni­za­tion but tight­ens up the text, short­en­ing chap­ters and address­ing the intend­ed read­ers with action sug­ges­tions between each chap­ter. It includes new research and four exam­ples of insti­tu­tions and groups whose actions have made a dif­fer­ence in green­house-gas emis­sions. End­notes and an exten­sive bib­li­og­ra­phy sup­port the argu­ment. A copy belongs in every mid­dle- and high-school library.” (Kirkus Reviews)

“Adapt­ed by award-win­ning sci­ence writer Walk­er, this youth edi­tion of Flannery’s adult title, The Weath­er Mak­ers (2005), speaks straight to “the gen­er­a­tion who will act on glob­al warm­ing” about the real­i­ties of cli­mate change and the dev­as­tat­ing con­se­quences if humans don’t alter their behav­ior to pro­tect Earth’s atmos­phere, its “great aer­i­al ocean.” The lan­guage is both bland­er and more direct than in Flannery’s adult book: an open­ing sec­tion orig­i­nal­ly titled “Gaia’s Tools” has been changed to “Earth’s Car­bon Cycle and You,” for exam­ple. What remains are the lucid expla­na­tions of sci­ence, illus­trat­ed with numer­ous exam­ples, includ­ing many cho­sen specif­i­cal­ly for this youth edi­tion; and each chap­ter ends with sug­gest­ed ways that young peo­ple can reduce the car­bon emis­sions in their homes, schools, and com­mu­ni­ties … the com­pre­hen­sive cov­er­age of issues and urgent call to action make this a must-have resource for both school and pub­lic libraries.” (Book­list)

We Are the Weather Makers

writ­ten by Tim Flan­nery
adapt­ed by Sal­ly M. Walk­er
Can­dlewick Press, Oct 2009
hard­cov­er: 978–0763636562
paper­back: 978–0763646561
320 pages, ages 14 and up

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